
Displaying 12441-12450 of 15808 results.
Release Date: January 1, 1989   |   Genre: Action
Nintendo Game Boy
Release Date: June 1, 1993   |   Genre: Action
Sega Dreamcast
Release Date: March 31, 2000   |   Genre: Flight Simulator
It's 2160, and the Eastern Alliance has launched a surprise attack on the Western Coalition's fleet and decimated it. The call has gone out for volunteers to become Alliance fighter pilots, and you have signed up with the 45th Volunteer Squadron. Designed by Chris and Erin Roberts, the creative force behind the Wing Commander/Privateer megaseries, this space fighting simulation features the genre's standard mission types: escort, fighter sweep, interception, attacking space stations, fighting in asteroid fields, etc.
Atari 2600
Release Date: December 1, 1982   |   Genre:
A cockpit view space shooter very similar to Star Raiders but not requiring a keypad. In your starship, you must warp to sectors of space containing enemy starships. Here you will engage and destroy them before they can surround and destroy your starbases. In a starbase sector, use your joystick to guide your reticle to the starbase when it is near you for repair and/or refueling. In a fight, you can take damage. If you see a L, it meas your lasers are out of commission. This mean you cannot fire (this is not good in a fight!). If you see a W, it means your warp drive is damaged. You will use twice as much fuel when warping. If you see an S, it means your shields are out. If you are hit again with no shields, you will be destroyed. If you see an R, it means your radar is damaged. You will not be able to see the enemies on the starmap until you get the radar fixed. All your starbases will still show with damaged radar except any that have been destroyed. When warping, if the screen at the bottom is green, you are headed to an empty sector. If it is red, you are headed to a sector with enemies in it. If it is blue, you are headed to a sector with a starbase in it. The game ends when either all the enemies are destroyed or you are destroyed. Your final score is determined by your base score plus 100 points per enemy destroyed minus 500 points per starbase destroyed minus 100 points per each time you docked at a starbase minus 1 point per stardate.
Release Date: September 6, 2013   |   Genre: Action
Starpoint Gemini II is an action space-sim combined with diverse RPG elements. Control various space ships, ranging from small and agile gunships to lumbering, but deadly carriers. Explore, trade, research and fight in a star system no longer hindered by loading points. The entire Gemini star system is now one giant area thanks to the implemented streaming technology. Gain experience and upgrade your skills to change the tide of even the fiercest space battles.
Release Date: April 16, 2013   |   Genre: Adventure, Puzzle
You are a gardener, tending to empty noise and empty space to fill them both with colour. You are a refugee, building your own world away from the spreading darkness. You are an explorer, discovering new places, new rules, and new fascinations. The universe is bigger than you know.
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
Release Date: June 1, 1990   |   Genre:
Your ship is equipped with both a standard laser and an independently fired ground weapon, which you must coordinate to defeat ground and aerial enemies. A shield bar keeps track of your damage and you can replenish it by defeating certain enemies, but otherwise its just you, your ship and several stages of alien enemies that alternate between top-down and side-scrolling perspectives.
Release Date: March 31, 1998   |   Genre:
Release Date: October 28, 2000   |   Genre: Action
Starship Troopers: Terran Ascendancy is a real time strategy game with a common misunderstanding. This game is not based on the movie Starship Troopers. Both, the game and the movie, are based upon the novel by Robert A. Heinlein. This is one of the few strategy games where you cannot build a base and recruit units. Instead you lead up to three squads into combat. Each squad contains a leader, five soldiers and one specialist (medic, engineer, PSI for detecting hidden bugs, MIST-Trooper as a sniper). During a mission there is no reinforcement and you are outnumbered by the bugs. The enemy units are not very intelligent, but they use their own special abilities like splitting acid and are very powerful. There is a wide range of enemies, from simple close-range fighters to suicide units, artillery bugs and even human soldiers. The mission objectives are also different. From simple hunting missions up to escorts or the capturing of bugs. The game also have a RPG part. Surviving soldiers gain experience points for each killed bug / destroyed bug holes. By and by the soldiers increase their states and acquire higher ranks. Better battle suits (armor) and stronger weapons are only available for soldiers with high ranks. The basic soldier (called Cat Trooper) have no armor and is an easy prey for the bugs. Besides the experience points you gather upgrade points for your equipment for e.g. increase the damage of the weapons. Another aspect of the RPG part is that you can equip each of your soldiers individual with up to two different weapons and two tech-items (like bombs or toxic gas). The graphic of the landscape is low on details, everything looks post apocalyptic. Much better is the combat graphic and the explosions. The cutscenes are made with the in-game graphic. Besides the sound effects your soldiers all have a voice to confirm your orders.
Nintendo 64
Release Date: June 30, 1999   |   Genre: Action
Take a ride through the cosmos with Starshot, the star juggler of the Space Circus. Your courage and skill will be challenged as you battle to overcome Wolfgang von Ravel, the evil boss of your crooked competitor - the Virtua Circus. Only you can save the Space Circus from extinction! Total freedom of movement in a world of rich 3D graphics! Starshot can walk, run, talk, jump, swim and fly, while shooting stars that he can control! Featuring more than 300 "cosmical" characters from a variety of planets!