
Displaying 13481-13490 of 15808 results.
Release Date: January 1, 1986   |   Genre: Adventure
You are Arthur Dent, an Englishman with a bad hangover wearing a dressing gown containing a much needed buffered analgesic and some fluff. Your house has just been destroyed, followed shortly thereafter by your planet Earth (mostly harmless). You’ve been rescued by your friend Ford Prefect, who’s not actually an out-of-work actor. He has given you a book (The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy), a towel, and is now telling you to put a fish in your ear. It must be a Thursday; you’ve never quite gotten the hang of Thursdays. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is written by Douglas Adams and Steven Meretzky and based on Adams’ BBC radio series, television series, and the series of subsequent novelizations. It’s one of the classic Interactive Fiction games produced by Infocom, labeled as Science Fiction and has a Standard Level of Difficulty. Though divergent from the source material, the main characters, locations, and concepts are here. Unlike the book, death can come quickly if Arthur fails to observe his surroundings, collect inventory, talk to people, and consult the Guide. DON’T PANIC! Original C=64 Grey Box Contents: Megadodo Publications Advertising Booklet for your very own Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy complete with Fluff, Destruct orders for your home and planet, a nice red button with the words DON'T PANIC printed in large yellow letters, a pair of Joo Janta 200 Super-Chromatic Peril-Sensitive Sunglasses, No Tea, and your very own Microscopic Space Fleet. All this can be yours, for the low, low price of only 59.99 Altairian Dollars.
Sony Playstation
Release Date: January 1, 1996   |   Genre:
Your objective in Hive is to pilot your way through 20 scenes of action, shooting anything and everything in sight. Along the way you must perform tasks like flying over the peaks of a mountain range, negotiating a glide path with fire all around, blasting your way through buildings, and much more. The action takes place in and around a number of outer space locations, including an Ice Planet, a Hangar Bay, an Ocean Platform, a Pyramid Maze, a Moon Base and the Queens' Chamber. An evil empire by the name of NoirDyne Corporation has reactivated The Hive, a once abandoned bioweapons production facility. This dreadful place, which is run by genetically engineered creatures called Hivasects, is producing a toxic substance to be used as a biological weapon of mass destruction. As Federation agent Max, you have been ordered to infiltrate NoirDyne, destroy The Hive and save Ginger, your captured partner who manages to send you brief, but helpful data loads. The Hive boasts unique "Panoractive" capabilities in which you are able to turn your ship a full 360 degrees while blasting away at the many obstacles you will meet, such as enemy viper ships, vicious ground troops, robot weapons and deadly alien Hivasects. The Hive lets you select from four difficulty levels and is equipped with a progress-saving password for each scene.
Microsoft Xbox
Release Date: September 23, 2003   |   Genre: Action
Third person platformer adapted from J.R.R. Tolkien's famous book. Players control Bilbo as he's taken from his safe little hole in the Shire by a band of Dwarves to confront the dragon Smaug, while picking up a glowing sword, an invisibility ring and coins and crystals....
Nintendo GameCube
Release Date: November 11, 2003   |   Genre:
Release Date: January 1, 1994   |   Genre: Action
You are Chauncey, a serving lad who saves his monarch from choking on his meal. The King rewards you with his magical sword, Grimthwacker, and a village, and the mission to go forth and prosper by felling waves of Hordlings, who are bent on eating everything in the province. The better you get at defending villagers, crops, and cows from Hordlings, the better equipped you become. Success wins you further favor from the King, along with bigger challenges and more enmity from the evil High Chancellor. There are several types of Hordlings, each with their peculiar style of picking through the edibles under your care. Success is measured by how many villagers and crops survive each season's gluttonous attacks.
Release Date: January 1, 1996   |   Genre: Shooter
The House of the Dead is a first-person, light gun arcade game. Players assume the role of agents Thomas Rogan and "G" in their efforts to repel the dangerous, inhumane experiments of Dr. Curien, a madman.
Release Date: July 6, 2001   |   Genre: Shooter
The House of the Dead 2 is a rail shooter light gun game. It incorporates a branching path system that allows players to take a variety of different routes leading to the same point in the game's story.
Nintendo Wii
Release Date: March 11, 2008   |   Genre: Shooter
This compilation bundles the following games: The House of the Dead 2 (Dreamcast) The House of the Dead III (Xbox) Both games were ported to the Wii with support for the Wii Zapper peripheral. A new Extreme mode is unlockable for The House of the Dead III, with faster enemy attacks and smaller bullet blast radii for the player's guns (similar to the handgun in the second game). At the same time, the shotgun can be reloaded much faster and a new melee attack is introduced: Guard Attack. It is a powerful move that also blocks incoming attacks, but requires a "reload" time.
Nintendo Wii
Release Date: October 31, 2009   |   Genre: Shooter
Overkill is a rail shooter, with pre-determined character movement, while the shooting element under player control by pointing the Wii Remote at the screen, moving the aiming reticle. The player can point the reticle near the edge of the screen to move the camera angle slightly in that direction, allowing a further field of view known as "Danger Cam". The story mode can be played solo or with another human player, with one weapon or dual-wielding controls.
Sega Genesis
Release Date: May 14, 1992   |   Genre: Puzzle, Strategy
Your job in this action puzzler is to help prehistoric man to evolve by helping them discover tools, the wheel, weapons, or even fire. Each level in the game will have a given task to help in this, and you are allotted a number of characters who must accomplish the task. The player can switch from person to person while moving the characters around each scrolling puzzle, and teamwork is essential to success.