
Displaying 13961-13970 of 15808 results.
Nintendo Game Boy Advance
Release Date: December 1, 2001   |   Genre: Action
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
Release Date: July 1, 1989   |   Genre:
Terrorism has reached new heights. AATOM (Atomic Age Terrorist Organization of Miracali) has constructed their own nuclear power plant, and threaten the world with atomic terror. The world powers have decided to initiate operation THUNDERCADE to stop AATOM. Equipped with a high-performance combat motorcycle, sidecar cannons, and backed by a precision B-7 bomber, you set out on the dangerous mission.
Sony Playstation
Release Date: Unknown   |   Genre: Action
This is the sequel to Core's Sega CD game, AH-3 Thunderstrike. Like the previous game in the series, this is a helicopter simulator/shooter. It features realistic features like multiple weapons selection, full freedom of movement, and a mission-based structure. On the other hand, it also throws lots and lots of enemy tanks and helicopters at you to blow up. The graphics in Thunderstrike 2 are drawn completely with 3D polygons, including the helicopter's cockpit. As you track an enemy, the view changes so that it is always in your sights. There are 8 campaigns to complete, each with multiple missions.
Sega Saturn
Release Date: January 1, 1996   |   Genre:
Your name is General John T. Maclaine and you are the pilot of Firestorm 1, the lead dog in special attack missions to various parts of the world. Your helicopter is extremely powerful and carries the following weapons: 30mm Chain Gun, Firestorm Homing Missile, Rocket Pod, Runaway Cratering System (bombs), the Mk-84 500-Pound Bomb, Cluster Bombs, and the Anti-Ship Missile. These weapons -- plus excellent evasive, and attack maneuvers -- should be enough to help you succeed in attacks on drug runners and terrorists, from Columbia to Iraq. Thunder Strike 2 is the sequel to Core's Amiga, ST, PC & Sega CD game, AH-3 Thunderstrike. Like the previous game in the series, this is a helicopter simulator/shooter. It features realistic features like multiple weapons selection, full freedom of movement, and a mission-based structure. On the other hand, it also throws lots and lots of enemy tanks and helicopters at you to blow up.
Release Date: January 1, 1995   |   Genre:
Tibia is one of the oldest and most successful massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPG) created in Europe. In an MMORPG people from all over the world meet on a virtual playground to explore areas, solve tricky riddles and undertake heroic exploits.
Release Date: Unknown   |   Genre:
Release Date: July 16, 2010   |   Genre: Puzzle
Tidalis is a block-based puzzle game with casual appeal, hardcore depth, and an addictive new "streams" mechanic. The game is brimming over with riffs and variants on that core mechanic with 20 game modes, dozens of special blocks and items, and 115 levels in the adventure mode alone. The basic rules of the game are this: blocks fall down into the board and have a color and an arrow direction. If a stack of blocks exceeds the height of the board, you lose. In order to clear blocks, you must right-click and drag paths through the arrows to set up chain reactions of like-colored blocks. If this sounds simple, that's because it is -- you'll be lining up lengthy chains within minutes. But you'll be surprised how much brainpower it takes to set up combos of multiple chains, and the many brainteaser-style puzzles include some real stumpers. Tidalis has co-op and competitive multiplayer modes (both online and offline); action-oriented modes and timer-less brainteasers; a lengthy, casual-friendly adventure mode; twenty unique game modes providing innumerable twists to the basic gameplay; dozens of special blocks and items; and over fifty minutes of beautiful music to go with the painterly art. In short, several games' worth of content are built on top of this core mechanic, which you'll quickly find to be as iconic as it is novel.
Release Date: January 4, 1985   |   Genre: Shooter
The game is a vertical scrolling shooter where the player controls a helicopter taking on hordes of enemies which include tanks, battleships, and artillery. It is interesting to note that, besides some airplanes taking off, there are no flying enemies in the entire game. The player's main weapon is an unlimited supply of missiles which travel a max distance of half the screen's height. The player also has two bombs which destroy all objects within a large circular radius. These bombs can be blown off by enemy bullets. The player is killed after only one hit, and is re-spawned to a point approximately one whole vertical screen-length later, thus progressing the player past the obstacle that had killed him, albeit at a high cost. The player is given three lives initially and bonus lives are awarded at 20000 points and every 80000 points thereafter. Flashing crosses scattered throughout each level award players power-ups depending on which color the cross is. A red cross will gives the player one side-firing mini-heli which shoots perpendicular to the player's helicopter. A white cross yields a forward firing mini-heli. It is possible to have a mix and match of side-helis, totaling no more than two. The green cross will award the player with an additional bomb, if the player currently has less than two. Grabbing power-ups when not necessary yields 5000 points. There are a total of four stages, all of which start and end with a helipad. After completion of the last stage, the game will restart in a more difficult mode starting on stage 2. Most of the game's areas contain unnecessary objects to destroy for bonus points, such as oil drums and houses. This was uncharacteristic for shoot 'em ups at the time.
Commodore 64
Release Date: July 15, 1989   |   Genre: Fighting
This arcade conversion is a beat 'em up in which you (as Lee Wong) must rescue the village children from the evil Ryo Ken Oh. Many levels are horizontally scrolling, although with high ledges to jump onto and follow for a slightly different path. Magic urns containing improved weapons appear frequently. Most enemies are easy to attack and only need one hit to kill, although they come at you in large hordes. Once you get to the indoor sections you will find big enemies with the ability to kill you with one hit, in sections set on multiple levels complete with stairways.
Sony Playstation 3
Release Date: Unknown   |   Genre: Sports