
Displaying 891-900 of 15808 results.
Nintendo Game Boy Color
Release Date: December 7, 1999   |   Genre: Action
Army Men is a mission-based combat game that has you guiding a green plastic commando named Sarge in warfare against a tan-colored toy army. Soldiers use bazookas, grenades, flamethrowers, mortars, automatic rifles, and land mines to trash each other. You can also drive jeeps and tanks across the varied terrain. To help you learn the controls, a boot camp option offers a series of eight training missions. Once you are ready, choose from two campaigns: desert and alpine. Review your objectives before each mission on the briefing screen, and prepare for battle against an onslaught of plastic troops. A mission will fail if you exceed the time limit, allow your rivals to win, or let Sarge die. The options screen lets you view current objectives, consult a strategic map, exit vehicles, and abort your mission. You can also adjust the control scheme, select a difficulty level, and toggle music.
Nintendo Game Boy Color
Release Date: February 1, 2000   |   Genre: Action
Sony Playstation
Release Date: February 28, 1999   |   Genre: Action
The little plastic army men you played with as a child are toys no longer! They are now living beings bent on destruction. Of course, you get to play an integral role in the conflict as Sarge, a sergeant (you were expecting another rank?) in the Green Army. While your objectives vary with each mission, the goal is to defeat the evil Tan Army using a little strategy and a lot of firepower. Since you'll also have to confront members of the Blue and Gray armies, you are essentially outnumbered three to one! Roll, duck, kneel, and cycle through your available weapons as you try to complete the objectives detailed at the beginning of each level. Missions range from search-and-destroy to rescue or reconnaissance operations, and you'll even drive one of four vehicles during the battles. Units include versions of six classic toys: Rifle Man, Grenadier, Bazooka Man, Mortar Man, Flamethrower, and Minesweeper.
Nintendo Game Boy Advance
Release Date: June 11, 2001   |   Genre:
Plastro, the infamous leader of the Tan Army, has recruited alien forces from another world to aid in his ongoing war against the Green Nation. It's up to Sarge and Vikki G. to jump into action to save their troops from a variety of unknown enemies, and then track down Plastro himself for a final confrontation!
Sony Playstation
Release Date: November 28, 2001   |   Genre:
The game contains 16 stages that feature different objectives such as blowing up a bridge or escaping from a P.O.W. camp. Before starting each stage, players get to select 2 of the 6 different commandos to take into the field of battle. Each commando has their own ratings in speed, stealth, and hit points. Each also has two special skills. Skills can include being adept at demolition, linguistics, heavy weapons, sniper, mechanic, communications, or repair. Players can switch control between the 2 commandos during a stage. During some stages players also get a chance to maneuver assault vehicles and tanks, aim aircraft artillery, and pilot submarines.
Sony Playstation
Release Date: October 13, 1999   |   Genre:
The green and tan armies once again battle, this time in the air via the huey(agile helicopter), chinook(Double rotor heavyweight lifting helicopter), Super Stallion and Apache. The tan army are not the only enemies. Insects also get in the way. You must protect tanks, trucks, other helicopters, a train and even a UFO.
Sony Playstation
Release Date: September 26, 2000   |   Genre:
Army Men: Air Attack 2, the sequel to the PlayStation's Army Men: Air Attack, has Captain Blade and his Alpha Wolf Squadron returning to action to continue the now infamous battles between the Green and Tan armies. The sequel features over twenty-five new missions with highly improved graphics, fully interactive environments, and gameplay reminiscent of Electronic Arts' Strike series. Air Attack 2 has the same gameplay found in the first Air Attack game. You can move in all directions in this plastic 3D world using the left analog stick, strafe using the L1 and R1 buttons, and deploy various artillery, as well as use your chopper's winch, using the controller's face buttons. The different military hardware at your disposal depends on the helicopter and copilot you select between missions. These choices also have an impact on other aspects of the gameplay, such as weapons accuracy, winch speed, chopper speed, and the amount of abuse your craft can handle. These features offer nothing new in the way of gameplay, but their tight and responsive control more than make up for that.
Nintendo 64
Release Date: July 24, 2000   |   Genre: Action
3DO's Army Men franchise hits a higher level again with Army Men: Air Combat! As Captain William Blade, the toy pilot of several plastic toy helicopters, you are battling with the evil tan army and their terrifying war machines. Real-world settings include backyard, playgrounds, campgrounds and giant sandcastles, spread out over 16 single player missions and competitive multiplayer modes. For your battles, four types of helicopters are available (Chinook, Apache, Huey and Super Stallion) to fight enemies like toy robots, electric trains, killer bees and dragonflies. In addition, interactions with your environment are also possible; pick up dog dishes, soda cans, doughnuts or bags of fertilizer for use against the evil tan toys and wipe them out!
Sony Playstation
Release Date: April 13, 2001   |   Genre:
Unlike previous releases under 3DO's prolific Army Men brand, Green Rogue is a character-based game featuring action and adventure from a third-person perspective. Players take on the role of the Omega Soldier, a powerful one-man army biotechnologically enhanced with genetic coding taken from members of the Green Army's Bravo Company and from the series' uber-hero Sarge himself. The game features multiple levels of escapade as the Omega Soldier attempts dangerous missions and battles against enormously powerful enemy toys. A new breed of plastic soldier is genetically engineered from the best soldiers in the green army. During a mission to transport this new form of troop to a testing facility the transport chopper is shot down. Waylaid in the heart of Tan headquarters, the Green Rouge wakes. He must then fight his way out of the enemy base, tearing apart tan soldiers wherever he sees them. This will be the final test for these genetically engineered Green Rouges. Will the pass the test or will they fall into the hands of the tan forces?
Microsoft Xbox
Release Date: April 14, 2006   |   Genre: Action