Technical Resources

These tools and resources are not for everyone. They are simply things that I personally needed at one point on another and decided to expose them in a way that others could possibly benefit from them. So, if by some chance you find these, use these, and liked these... I am glad to hear it.

Imagick Constants

PHP can use Image Magick to edit images in code. While powerful and useful, it never seemed very well documented to me. While this is certainly not an exhaustive resource, here is a list of the constants (and their values) defined on the Imagick PHP class.

Windows PATH Variable

Ever needed to edit the Windows Environment Variable "Path" on your local PC? If so, you probably had fun looking through a long line of text and maybe even copy/pasted it into a notepad file or something and adding new lines after each semi-colon. Well, I got sick of doing that and decided to put this out here. Paste your path; we parse it; you can add and remove pieces as needed and then we will reassemble it. Silly, but saves a few moments of life and frustration.

InkScape SVG Transformation Remover

I use a handy JavaScript library to work with canvas called FabricJS. One feature of this library that I really appreciated was its ability to load SVG files and use them like any other geometry. The only issue was it didn't handle all SVG files made in InkScape very well. It's rotation and scaling functionality was nearly impossible to use in some cases. The issue was in how InkScape stored its transformation data. This tool [attempts to] remove it for you by applying the transformations directly to the paths.

MySQL Workbench Export to Yii Migration

For developers that use the exact setup I do, this tool may be useful. I definitely cheaped out on it in the name of time savings, so it could be a lot more intelligent than it is, but it does what I needed it to do. I use MySQL Workbench to design my application's database then I use Yii Framework (PHP) to create the application. This tool takes the table creation SQL and turns it into the appropriate PHP code for Yii migration - including indexes and foreign keys. It assumes a lot, but again, if you are using the same setup, this may be useful.