Treasure Adventure Game

Game Details

Title:Treasure Adventure Game
Release Date:Unknown
ESRB Rating:-


This game was clearly made with passion. You can see the proof of this almost everywhere. The 2D environments are colorful and enchanting, gameplay feels smooth and polished, not to mention the absolutely huge and very diversified world in which you can spend many hours just exploring. Treasure Adventure Game casts you in the role of a young boy who lands on an island that is a fragment of what was once a continent, destroyed in the war between a demon and a wizard. You accept quests, travel across the oceans, and generally have a bang-up time of being a little boy in a big world, out there looking for treasure and adventure. Your equipment consists of a hat, a parrot, and a boat that appears whenever you touch water. Combine those with the basic platforming abilities like jumping and crawling that you’re familiar with from every platforming game ever, and you’ve got the basics of a phenomenal romp across a huge world filled with treasure, maps, secrets, danger, and triumph.