Toshinden 4

Game Details

Title:Toshinden 4
Platform(s):Sony Playstation
Release Date:June 30, 2000
ESRB Rating:-


Toshinden 4 attempts to return to the series roots after Toshinden 3's radical departure. As a result Toshinden 4 was "old school" for its time. While Toshinden 4 models it's game play more off Toshinden 1 and Toshinden 2 than 3, it makes what is perhaps the biggest change in the series; it does away with nearly all of the 40+ characters that the series has built up and replaces them with 13 almost completely new characters; only 3 of Toshinden 4's cast have appeared in previous games. But even they are notably different as Toshinden 4 takes place sometime after Toshinden 3 story wise, hence they have aged. The new cast has some pretty big links to the old cast however and many of their stories and bio's reference the old cast even though most aren't named directly (for instance Lancelot was sent to a certain French noble man to be toughened up, while Fen met a certain spear wielding warrior that his own fighting style is conveniently similar to).