Steel Harbinger

Game Details

Title:Steel Harbinger
Platform(s):Sony Playstation
Release Date:September 30, 1996
Developer(s):Mindscape International
ESRB Rating:M - Mature


In Steel Harbinger, a darkly futuristic running, jumping, 3-D shoot-'em-up, you must guide Miranda through certain areas of Kansas, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Houston, Cape Canaveral, Washington, the Antarctic, an alien planetoid, and the Moon. In each level you'll have specific missions to accomplish such as killing aliens, finding special weapons, saving humans, opening secret rooms, activating defense facilities, and destroying key enemy sites. You can teleport between locations by finding teleport cards and telepads. Access to specific buildings and other restricted areas can be gained with pass cards that you will find hidden throughout the levels. In addition to the standard action, you can also commandeer trucks, hovercraft, floating discs, and tanks.