| Game Details
EA DICE's flagship military combat series continues with Battlefield 3, a first-person shooter with destructible environments, large-scale maps, controllable vehicles, and online support for up to 24 simultaneous players. The single-player campaign, which the publisher estimates to be 12 hours in length, features multiple playable characters in a structure similar to Activision's Call of Duty franchise.
In a storyline set in 2014, you'll play as a Russian agent sent to stop a terrorist attack in Paris, a Marine corporal in the Tehran desert, and as others in missions set in Sarajevo, New York, Wake Island, Oman, and Sulaymaniyah. The Frostbite physics engine introduced in the Battlefield: Bad Company spin-off series has been enhanced, now allowing for the complete destruction of buildings and scenery objects, as well as vision blurring or blinding effects. Soldiers can also shoot from the prone position.
The multiplayer game features a choice of team-based options. Conquest has your side trying to claim and hold different areas of the battlefield, while rush involves one team trying to quickly advance across a map as the other team defends. Team deathmatch is also included, and there are four available classes in the game: assault, support, recon, and engineer. Both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 titles are designed to run at 30 frames per second at 720p resolution.
This "Premium Edition" includes the full original game and the "Back to Karkand," "Close Quarters," "Armored Kill," "End Game" and "Aftermath" DLC packs, altogether offering 20 new maps, 20 new weapons, and four new modes.