Mechanized Attack

Game Details

Title:Mechanized Attack
Platform(s):Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
Release Date:January 1, 1990
ESRB Rating:-


Mechanized Attack is an adaptation of an arcade shooting game where the player uses a machine gun to stage an assault on a tropical island that's home to a cyborg army. In this NES port, the player can use either a gamepad or the NES Light Zapper to carry out the mission. Battle through numerous stages beginning with an approach to the island. This first stage is held over the water and features at attack on a number of small gunboats, a helicopter, and an entire battleship. As the player progresses through the stages of the island, the human (and even canine) enemies are revealed to be robots when the flesh is destroyed. At various junctures of the game, the player is allowed to choose which game path to pursue.