
Displaying 2521-2530 of 15808 results.
Release Date: March 24, 2013   |   Genre: Fighting
Play alone or team up with a friend to hold the line against on the Chronarchs in this OUYA exclusive survival mode combat demo! Raise your weapon and fight for more than your own dimension; the survival of all realities hangs by a thread. Battle through the many strange realms of the Multiverse, seek out the truth behind the Chronarch war, and unleash the power to save all worlds!
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
Release Date: January 1, 1985   |   Genre: Action
Q-tarō's friends are kidnapped by several burglars. Q-tarō has to save them, however many dogs are in the way—Q-tarō's one fear as a ghost. Q-tarō the Ghost (Chubby Cherub in the English version) has to cross 12 levels, at the end of each, the protagonist will find his friends. Eating food maintains Chubby Cherub's flight. If the flying meter goes all the way down, the character will have to stay on ground. The character will bark at the dogs before they bark at the character; if a bark hits the character, the character may die.
Nintendo Game Boy Advance
Release Date: June 10, 2001   |   Genre: Puzzle
The object of the game is to guide one or more mice ("ChuChus") around a board into one or more goals while avoiding cats ("KapuKapus") roaming the board. The mice and cats all move in predictable paths by always turning right when hitting a wall head on, by following corners or by turning around when in a dead end. ChuChu Rocket!'s multiplayer mode revolves around up to four players placing arrows on the level at once, trying to direct mice into their own rockets and cats into other players' rockets (any cat that reaches a rocket removes a percentage of the mice within). Each player can only have three arrows on-screen at a time and cannot place them on other players' arrows or their own arrows. Arrows would disappear over time, or could be removed by a player placing his fourth arrow (which would eliminate the first arrow placed, thus leaving three). Although a simple concept, this quickly becomes frenetic with the relentless speed of the mice and four players fighting over them.
Release Date: Unknown   |   Genre:
Release Date: January 1, 1994   |   Genre: Platform
Chuck Rock hasn't been the same since his long-time rival in love, the evil Gary Gritter, kidnapped his wife, the beautiful Ophelia. Help Chuck in his quest to rescure Ophelia from the clutches of the evil Gary. Kick, throw rocks and belly-butt your way through a multitude of comical zones featuring 500 screens of exciting and addictive gameplay.
Release Date: September 15, 1994   |   Genre: Action
The story in this Chuck Rock game takes up a little while after the end of the first game. As you may remember, Chuck Rock had to rescue his girl, Ophelia from the bad dude Gary Gritter. Well, he was successful in his efforts, and now Chuck and Ophelia are married. Eventually, they have a son, named Junior. Chuck works in a factory, where he develops great skill at carving automobiles out of stone. A rival manufacturer becomes jealous of Chuck's abilities and kidnaps him. Now it is up to Junior to rescue his dad! The gameplay in this sequel is similar to the first game, but with some minor differences since you are playing as Junior, rather than Chuck. This is a side-scrolling platform game with occasional rock-moving puzzles thrown in. Unlike Chuck, Junior carries a club that gives his attacks further reach.
Release Date: January 1, 1991   |   Genre: Flight Simulator
Combat is the ultimate flying experience... General Chuck Yeager. Three historic eras that revolutionized air combat. Yeager saw them all. World War II. The peak of prop-driven combat. 50 accurate historic missions. Become an ace in one day like Yeager in World War II, fight Sabres high over the Yalu River in Korea, fly in the biggest air battle of Vietnam. Korean War. Jet aircraft dominate the skies. Tactical updates on call. You have a Sabre in your sights, but is he alone? Info windows give you critical data on enemy locations, plane performance, even your opponent's next move. Vietnam War. Missiles make their first deadly mark. Accurate flight dynamics. Faster speeds and greater Gs put your pilot skills to the test. Gunning fighters over Germany was hard, but a missile lock at Mach 1 is a whole different ballgame. Fantasy combat. Mix and match aircraft and eras. You choose the planes, skill level, tactical situation, and number of opponents. How many Me-262s does it take to shoot down an F-4 Phantom?! VCR-Style replay. Review actual footage of flip to the Tactical Analysis Model. Rewind, jump ahead, or single-step. Save your best kills to disk- watch the action from every angle. Key features. 50 Historic missions from three wars. Choose your side. Mission creator lets you pit aircraft of different eras against each other. Yeager's personal advice, analysis of planes- even his digitized voice. Multiple difficulty levels- take out amateurs or take on the aces! Six elite fighter aircraft. Easy-to-use, menu driven interface. Extensive manual with historical backgrounds, tactics, maneuvers, photographs, and color plates.
Commodore 64
Release Date: Unknown   |   Genre: Action
There are only 8 distinct levels. The ninth level is a copy of level 1, the tenth is a copy of level 2, and so on. However, on the second time around the ducklings that can use the platforms and ladders are replaced by the Mother Duck, who can fly around the level going through the platforms and ladders. On the third time around, you have to face both the Mother Duck and the ducklings, and similarly on subsequent goes round, when there are more ducklings.
Release Date: January 1, 1985   |   Genre:
Chuckie Egg II is a sequel to platformer game Chuckie Egg, but is very different from the original game. Whereas the original game features eight levels of one screen each, this features many more screens arranged into a maze for you to explore. In the game, Hen House Harry must build a giant chocolate egg, with the ingredients (cocoa, milk and sugar), that are found in the factory. Eight of each must be included. Also, the eight parts of a toy kit must be found, to place inside the egg. In order to get all the items you must find your way around the factory, avoiding many types of enemy, and solving puzzles using various items that you can carry. There are a number of ways to get around the factory, including the platforms of the original, but also ropes and pipes, among other things. Despite the drastic changes from the original, the game still retains the sound effects from the original.
Sony Playstation 2
Release Date: February 14, 2007   |   Genre: Adventure, Puzzle
Chulip is primarily a puzzle-solving adventure with a few role-playing elements. The player can freely explore he town, trying to figure out what to do next and how to do it. Kissing people is not as easy as it may seem; actions required to allow a person to be kissed range from waiting for the right moment to more difficult and branching puzzles like helping someone find a job. The more people the hero ends up kissing, the higher his heart meter goes, which allows the player to progress through the story and attempt more challenging tasks.