
Displaying 7931-7940 of 15808 results.
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
Release Date: December 17, 1987   |   Genre: Action
Mega Man entails the events after the co-creation of the humanoid robot named Mega Man by the genius Dr. Wright (named Dr. Light in later titles) and his assistant Dr. Wily. The two scientists also create six other advanced robots: Cut Man, Elec Man, Ice Man, Fire Man, Bomb Man, and Guts Man. Each of these robots is designed to perform industrial tasks involving construction, demolition, logging, electrical operations, or labor in extreme temperatures, all for the benefit of mankind in a location known as "Monsteropolis". However, Dr. Wily grows disloyal of his partner and reprograms these six robots to aid himself in taking control of the world. Dr. Wright sends Mega Man to defeat his fellow creations and put a stop to Dr. Wily. After succeeding, Mega Man returns home to his robot sister Roll and their creator Dr. Wright
Nintendo Game Boy Advance
Release Date: August 10, 2002   |   Genre: Action
The story of Mega Man & Bass varies slightly depending on which player character is chosen. It begins when a robot villain named King breaks into Dr. Wily's laboratory and then the Robot Museum to collect the data blueprints for the creations of Dr. Light. Dr. Light alerts the hero Mega Man that he must go at once to the Robot Museum to confront this new enemy. Meanwhile, Bass (Mega Man's rival and Wily's greatest creation) hears of the new criminal's appearance and decides to prove himself the stronger robot by defeating King. Proto Man is the first to arrive at the scene. King divulges his plan to him; he desires to create a utopia in which robots rule the world over humans. To accomplish this, King seeks to create an unstoppable army using the data and invites Proto Man to join him. Proto Man refuses and attempts to attack, but King counters and slices his body in half. Proto Man then teleports back to the lab for repairs while King escapes with the data. With their own motivations, Mega Man and Bass set out to put a stop to King's plans. After vanquishing eight powerful robots under allegiance to King, the duo infiltrates his castle and engages him in combat. Proto Man interrupts the fight and again attempts to defeat their new nemesis. Putting all of his remaining energy into a blast, Proto Man manages to destroy King's shield and loses consciousness, allowing Mega Man and Bass to best King in battle afterwards. King questions why they fight so hard for humans when robots are the superior species. The pair explains that humans are the ones who created robots in the first place, which confuses King. The villain reveals that his creator is Dr. Wily, who then appears on a video monitor. When King asks the evil inventor why robots fight each other for the sake of humans, Wily strengthens his "brainwashing level" and restores his power. Mega Man and Bass engage King in another battle and defeat him. The castle begins a self-destruct sequence and the protagonists escape without King. Mega and Bass begin a final confrontation with Dr. Wily in his newly-regained laboratory. When Wily is beaten, Bass demands to know why he deceived him. Wily explains that he created King simply to test Bass' abilities because of his past failures in challenging Mega Man. Wily shows him written plans for making a newer version of King to join with Bass in this venture, promising that the two would be invincible together. Proto Man appears and immediately destroys these plans. Proto Man tells Bass that although he is a strong robot of free will, he can never defeat his rival because he has nothing for which to fight. Mega Man returns home where his sister Roll presents him a letter from King. King wishes to atone for his own crimes against humans and hopes for them to be friends if they were meet in the future.
Microsoft Xbox 360
Release Date: March 31, 2010   |   Genre: Action
The 8-bit old-schoolers of the world have spoken. And boy, did they do so decisively. When Capcom released the NES-style Mega Man 9 back in 2008, they did it as a piece of one-off fan service, and no matter how good the game was (and it was very, very good), no one expected another 8-bit offering in the core series. And yet, here it is. Mega Man 10 can be found on WiiWare, PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade in all of its retro glory. And, it, too, is very good.
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
Release Date: November 24, 1988   |   Genre: Action
Mega Man 2 takes place after the original Mega Man, which is set in an unspecified year during the 21st century (the year 200X). Dr. Wily, the series' main antagonist, builds a new fortress and army of robotic henchmen, led by eight new Robot Masters of his design. Mega Man is sent by his creator, Dr. Light, to defeat Dr. Wily and his Robot Masters. Mega Man crushes the eight new Robot Masters and then challenges Wily himself. In the final fight, Mega Man defeats Dr. Wily's holographic projection device. After the scientist begs for mercy, Mega Man spares Wily and returns home.
Release Date: Unknown   |   Genre:
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
Release Date: September 28, 1990   |   Genre: Action
In the year 200X Dr. Wily claims to have reformed and works with Dr. Light on a project to build a peace-keeping robot named "Gamma." However, the Robot Masters set in charge of the "mining worlds" go berserk and make off with the eight power crystals. Mega Man is called into action, this time with a canine companion named Rush, to retrieve the crystals from the mining worlds. After the crystals are retrieved, Wily steals Gamma and retreats to his new fortress. In order to stop Wily's plan for world domination, Mega Man destroys Gamma. After their final confrontation, Wily's fortress begins to crumble. Proto Man appears in enough time to save Mega Man, but too late to save Wily, who is crushed under the rubble.
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
Release Date: December 6, 1991   |   Genre: Action
Mega Man 4 takes place in the year 20XX (the 21st century). One year after the events of the Gamma Project and Dr. Wily's overtaking of it and his supposed demise, Dr. Light receives a letter from a mysterious Russian scientist named Dr. Cossack claiming that he is the superior robot engineer in all the world. Cossack states further that he will unleash his army of robots upon the world as a "test" for Light to see which of them is the best. Light calls upon Mega Man from his search for Wily to go after Cossack's Robot Masters.
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
Release Date: December 4, 1992   |   Genre: Action
The fictional storyline of Mega Man 5 takes place during the 21st century (the year 20XX). Proto Man, once an ally to the world's greatest hero, leads an army of robots in a series of destructive attacks on the world. To cripple the world's defenders, he kidnaps his own creator, the genius scientist Dr. Light. Mega Man wonders why his brother is doing this, but with little choice left, he sets out to stop him. After prevailing over a new group of eight Robot Masters, Star Man, Gravity Man, Gyro Man, Stone Man, Crystal Man, Charge Man, Napalm Man, and Wave Man. Mega Man makes his way to Proto Man's castle and confronts his fellow creation, who nearly kills the protagonist in the process. However, the real Proto Man arrives in the nick of time to reveal the fake as Dark Man, one of Dr. Wily's newest robots. Mega Man vanquishes the imposter, then pursues his archenemy to his newest hideout, defeats him, and saves Dr. Light. Wily manages yet another retreat.
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
Release Date: October 6, 1992   |   Genre: Action
The premise of Mega Man 6 takes place after the events of Mega Man 5. The first annual "Robot Masters Tournament" is held in order to test the designing capabilities of the world's greatest robotics engineers. The tournament is hosted by a man known only as "Mr. X". Dr. Light, a pacifist, decides not to enter the tournament, but sends Mega Man to supervise the event. Many strong Robot Masters participate. Near the end of the tournament, Mr. X announces that he has reprogrammed the eight finalist robots to do his bidding in taking over the world. Dr. Light immediately orders Mega Man to put an end to the madness. Mega Man defeats the Robot Masters, Blizzard Man, Wind Man, Flame Man, Plant Man, Tomahawk Man, Yamato Man, Knight Man, and Centaur Man, makes his way to Mr. X's fortress. Mr. X is defeated and quickly removes his disguise, revealing himself as none other than Dr. Wily. The evil scientist flees to a new fortress stronghold where Mega Man pursues and defeats him again. After years of fighting the robotic hero, Dr. Wily is finally brought to justice and sent to prison.
Nintendo 64
Release Date: November 22, 2000   |   Genre: Action
Mega Man Volnutt is the game's playable character. Mega Man Volnutt is a "Digger", a person in charge of investigating ruins from a flooded Earth. During his journey with his friends, their ship crashes in Kattelox Island, where Mega Man decides to confront pirates who are attacking it to obtain the its hidden treasure. As an action roleplaying game, Mega Man Legends's gameplay is very different from the ones of the original series despite sharing a few elements.