
Displaying 8461-8470 of 15808 results.
Sony Playstation
Release Date: September 30, 1998   |   Genre: Racing
Motorhead is a futuristic racing title featuring a total of ten playable cars on eight twisting courses, ranging from an industrial area to a desert. Each vehicle is individually rated in speed, acceleration, and grip. There are no weapons or power-ups to collect; it's just you, a friend, or the computer competing for the fastest time. Four play modes include Time Attack, League, Head-to-Head, and Single Race. Each mode offers the option to view the action at 30 or 60 frames per second, with the key difference being the number of computer-controlled cars on the track.
Release Date: Unknown   |   Genre:
Em MOTORM4X: ATVs extremas jogador se senta ao volante de um carro e unidades de cross-country em condições extremamente difíceis. O objetivo é chegar a um destino previamente designados. O que torna este jogo diferente dos outros do mesmo gênero é uma completa liberdade para escolher a rota, mesmo que isso signifique dirigir em todos os tipos de terreno. É unicamente a decisão do jogador que caminho tomar. O jogador pode escolher entre dez veículos 4WD. Os criadores projetaram quatro tipos de corridas. "Raça" é uma competição por turnos em que o vencedor é a pessoa que cruza a linha de chegada em primeiro lugar. "Longrun" é um comício contra-relógio. "Pathfinder" dá-lhe a oportunidade de escolher qualquer rota no caminho para o seu destino. "Trial" é semelhante, mas nesta corrida as condições são bastante extremas. Depois de vencer corridas você ganha pontos e dinheiro, que por sua vez permite que você compre veículos melhor equipados. Corridas acontecem em três locais: na chuvosa prados alpinos temporada e florestas, no calor, deserto rochoso, e nas planícies cobertas de gelo do Alasca.
TurboGrafx 16
Release Date: Unknown   |   Genre:
Atari 2600
Release Date: January 1, 1990   |   Genre: Action
Sony Playstation 3
Release Date: March 6, 2007   |   Genre: Racing
Sony Playstation 3
Release Date: Unknown   |   Genre:
Sony Playstation 3
Release Date: May 3, 2011   |   Genre: Racing
Sony Playstation 2
Release Date: October 20, 2009   |   Genre: Racing
Motorstorm: Arctic Edge is an arcade racer pitting you against 8 other racers, human or AI in a competition to win in The Festival. The backdrop for the game is Alaska where you have to race on icy tracks in mountainous regions. Beside the other racers you have to take into account avalanches, broken ice bridges and a lot of other dangers on the route to victory. The game is very fast-paced and it sees you racing around in cars, snowmobiles and trucks. You can select different wheels, exhausts, spoilers and more for your vehicles.
Sony Playstation 3
Release Date: October 28, 2008   |   Genre: Racing
The game moves away from the desert environments of the original title and relocates itself in "a lush island environment, full of interactive vegetation"; and also includes monster trucks and four-player split-screen capability. Monster trucks are able to ride over cars (except big rigs), break most vegetation, and destroy structures. Bikes also have new capabilities so they can bunny hop and the driver can duck. Custom music tracks using a player's own music stored on their PS3 hard drive are available as are trophies (to unlock more Drivers and Vehicles) and camera angles are improved for crashes; vehicle damage is also improved. Users can now select drivers from the Garage menu, thus not having to rely on picking the vehicles, depending on the Driver's gender. "Speed" events are firstly introduced in the game, which consists numerous checkpoints in each tracks that users must pass through to achieve extra times before the timer runs out. Any class that isn't the ATV or Bikes can ram their vehicles left or right. The ATV and Bike ram by their driver throwing punches at the other drivers.
Release Date: September 16, 2008   |   Genre: Action
Calradia is a land at war, offering great riches and even greater dangers to adventurers and mercenaries that flock to shed their blood on its soil. With courage and a strong sword, an unknown stranger can make a name as a warrior. Free-form sand-box gameplay. You are free to go anywhere in a world with more than a hundred unique locations including villages, castles and towns. Groundbreaking horseback combat. Highly advanced and intuitive sword-fighting systems. Fight on horseback and foot using a vast variety of medieval weapons, each with unique characteristics. You can be anything from a lonesome adventurer to a commander of armies or an owner of villages, castles or towns. Sophisticated AI will challenge you in combat and in your strategic plans. Freedom to interact with hundreds of characters.