Hey everyone! Just wanted to officially announce that we have released an update to our site here that has added a few new features. Let me take a minute to point them out.

Members can now add contact information to their account. They can use some of that contact information (more specifically, a text capable cell phone) and receive text notifications when things happen here on our site. Email notifications are also available. Both types of notifications are fully configurable from a member's account.

Members can now also manage a friends list. This is a pretty feature packed addition with the ability to send friend requests, block members, and receive and accept or deny friend requests. Currently, being a persons friend allows you to easily see when they are online and quickly interact with them - a rather lacking set of options. However, we have in the plans many other things like playing games with each other and real-time chat.

Also added a lot more to our personal business tools behind the scenes and changed the main menu a little to prepare for the coming features: forums, chat rooms, and arcade games. Plus, we fixed a few minor bugs AND have added some nuggets... that's always fun. cheeky

Keep coming back to see more. We are planning some educational articles as well; a series on how to become a web developer and some useful debugging information for specific developers already in the industry. So.. lots on the way.

Thanks for reading! Thoughs? Questions? Comments? Post them below!