Hatsune Miku, the iconic virtual pop star from Vocaloid, finally has a game released to the North American region for Nintendo's 3DS - Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX.
There was a launch bundle that included a high quality fabric wallet chain and 19 double sided AR cards. I was able to grab this bundle for the same price I would have paid for the game alone, so it was a good decision and opportunity for me. Perhaps you can have the same luck?
The game itself is a music rhythm and "timing" game at has fun features to allow you to hang out with your chosen character. Unfortunately, I've not had the time to dig into anything beyond the initial start up - character and environment option choices; but I am excited to have a copy and look forward to getting into it a bit more over the coming weeks.
Anyone else getting a copy? have a copy? What do you think so far? Post your thoughts, comments, and questions below! Thanks for reading.